Bears' Blaseball Page |
Here's fan media I've created!I've been following Blaseball for a long time and I'm a creative type bear so I've been happy to flex my expressive muscles with my team, whether it be lore jams or different arts. Season 1I created my Blaseball account on the 22nd of July 2020. If I had to guess I'd consider it likely that somebody over at Waypoint retweeted the Game Band's release announcement. But honestly I checked out the site, made an account, voted "heheh forbidden book" with my freebie and called it quits. I saw there was a Discord but I was pretty resistant to joining. I chose to be a fan of the Yellowstone Magic because they were the team that was closest ideologically to bears. I considered a Texas team but neither are really my vibe. Season 2When season 2 started, I joined the Discord I had originally forsaken. I needed to talk to people about the hellmouth opening. The Discord was so much smaller then. I muted a few channels, but was able to keep up on general and lore pretty easily. Chat was slow and we didn't have watch party, so some of my earliest messages are "wow check out that triple!" I kinda messed around with voting but didn't keep it consistent by any means. I was really expecting our team to do well considering we were first seed for season 1. That didn't happen. We also continued a streak of not being blessed because as far as I know, the blessing we were supposed to receive at the end of season 1 was bugged and didn't happen. I was pretty active with fanart and lore in this season. It was hard not to be, the barrier to entry was "lol wouldn't it be funny if famous was on the team because of nepotism" Inky was a slam dunk, I love Inky's arc after "squid play baseball" the blagonball :)) Washer was a pretty easy jump of logic for us, I think I contributed "you gotta throw a hat in there, you need a hat to play blaseball" RIV to Sosa and Famous, two real ones. Though obviously Hex and Cory have deep holds on my heart. Inky Rutledge Rookie Card :0002020-07-30 My first ever Blaseball fan art! I love the subtle motion of the ball and I'm glad squid Inky has been such a hit, even leading us to Binky my beloved! Wizard Hat with Brim2020-07-31 Funnily enough I invert this joke about a year and a half later. Made in Blender3D over the course of minutes. Anjanath2020-08-01 I forget the context lol Bevan Wise Tarot Card2020-08-02 Tarot sized blaseball cards for magic players was an easy pull. It's super funny for me to think about a foil wrapped pack of cards that's clearly larger than all the others because it has magic cards in it. Then my headcanon for Bevan Wise as an older black woman combined with my love of emoji combined to form the Bevan Wise Tarot Card.
Season 3 - 7I took a mini siesta from Blaseball around this time. It wasn't five seasons long but I can't find any contributions I made to the culture at this time. I was kinda turned off by the peanut showing up and talking about peanut fraud like a disappointed teacher. That and the mini siesta after season 3 likely lead to my mild disappearance. I recall the team chat being busy one day, so I muted it and kind of forgot about it. I have ADHD lol. A few.... weeks? Later I got a ping from FruitCrumble aka CritFumble who is by extension the only reason Blaseball has had such a big impact on my life. I was able to get back into it, start following again. I'm not sure if it was Season 2 or Season 3 that the keeps came into Magic chat and told us to pick some mods. I did not volunteer. I have no interest in community management, a position I still hold. Who did we vote in then? I'm just going to start rattling off archrangers I remember. Liv Mac Phas Rare Jim Penny Gracie Moz Aya Dino Season 8Park Ranger2020-09-25 The National Park Service posted a great macroable image. Season 9Fishing Net Propaganda2020-10-06 We really wanted to get fishing net. Ironically this propaganda is apropos for neocites. We really wanted the fishing net. Glover2021-10-07 We really wanted the fishing net. This got poorly changed into red wizard robes at some point, but I can't find that version. Assa Beeb2021-10-09 Yellowstone's slogan of "as above so below" got cursed into "assa beeb abba soos" at some point. This is the foregone conclusion of that. Season 10Bonk Jokes Lorejam2020-10-14 I'm very happy where we eneded up with Bonk, but my initial suggestion was a Jack in the Box wielding a bat. Season 11This is the last season before the Grand Siesta. We knew it was coming and I recall being pretty resistant to the idea of a side server. I was wrong. Any sort of intellectual attraction I have to an epistolary communication method is overshadowed dramatically by my desire to shitpost. I think we had a really good time in the side server. I posted bears over 1000 times. I'm glad we went back to maincord afterwards though. SSPP - Super Secret Positivity Project2020-10-09 The original PSP was Phas' secret plan, which as I recall was attempts to sponsor a season of blaseball before TGB said they didn't feel comfortable about a team doing that. Fair enough. I believe Aya organized this project to send the archrangers a little something something for their good work. Everbody's Moz2020-11-12 Don't remember why this happened, but everybody became Moz. This is a personal throwback because I remember when I identified as cis and used picrew profile pictures. Classic. Minecraft Server2020-11-13 I ran a fairly active Minecraft 1.16 server for the Grand Siesta crew. It's actually the first place I had contact with my now girlfriend, so that's fun. I should put the archive up somewhere, for posterity. Stamp2020-12-04 Don't remember the context for this, I'm glad that the background kind've matches this neocities one. Burger2021-01-02 Ringing in new year strong, we grinked Bitter who typoed Burger. Bitter lives in a bathtub full of blood so here's a blood burger tub situation. Drawpile 12021-01-24 A shared canvas that kept getting turned yellow. Big fan of everything going on here. Grand SiestaBonk Joke2020-10-29 I took hatfights' very good art style and ruined it with this joke. Bonk signs, mostly. Season 12Art Switcharound2021-03-01 A sketching, inking, coloring passalong that I did with the help of Crash and Aya. Too Many Birds2021-03-01 When both pitchers have friend of crows Drawpile 22021-03-01 Now the yellow background's just something we have to do. I believe this is the one where we started drawing Pokemon from memory. Jaylen's Visit2021-03-02 We very briefly entertained Jaylen Hotdogfingers of Blaseball fame. Oscar Dollie Gurgie2021-03-03 Somebody took a sip of our goat! SSPP 22021-03-05 Aya became an archranger and we were enjoying Carl after Mee6's retirement. I think that swadloon is from an illustration I did that I will need to dredge up. Jim and Moz Retire as Archrangers2021-03-05 I did apologize to Moz for his apparent death in this image. I had to do an ascension thing because Jim went Down. King Weatherman2021-03-07 I can't claim that this was actually my doing, but I saw a swap Cory for Weatherman heckpost in Magic chat and the idea was hilarious to me. I dropped all my saved up votes on it and then wimdy stole our hearts. Second image is Chorby Short giving the newly recruited Weatherman some friendly ribbing. Season 13Sutton Picklestein2021-03-08 An OG player entering the hall of shadows. Bittersweet for sure. More Archrangers2021-03-10 Silvaria, Bitter, and Hascow came on board. I feel bad for just using Silvaria's profile picture but I didn't know them super well. Kurt Crueller Lore Jam2021-03-11 I liked the idea of fisher Kurt whipping balls out of the air with a fishing rod. Sutton's Hat2021-03-12 Somewhere, the energy of Picklestein is felt. His hat levitates a few inches off its place on the mantle. Sutton Picklestein (2)2021-03-14 Sutton was necromancied and immediately went back to the hall. Iconic. Season 14Tiana Wheeler Lore Jam2021-03-15 The opposite of nominative determinism No Gods No Kings Weatherman2021-03-16 Old Man Logan Rodriguez having a back tattoo is very good. Cursed Barl2021-03-18 We are all love Carl. Well, we love Mee6 more but he's in the shadows now. Regardless, Carl didn't deserve to be turned into a Barl. Sports Game2021-03-18 What blaseball might look like as an early video game. Refined later. Blaseball the Pico8 Game2021-3-20 Not functional, but I did draw this in Pico8 Feral Ranger Warning2021-03-20 Magic Discord fans are rangers. This sign warns you of chat ferality, what we call an active chat. Bears2021-03-22 Dippity Doop does this incredible series of Blaseball arts and I had to comission one of my parkparksona, a bear that fixes the printers.Requested background color was the purple of the sunset. It was weird when I found out Dippity was at my alma mater at the same time as me. Season 15Spectral Chorb2021-04-06 Redacted Chorby would give horrible ghostly batting advice. Froggone2021-04-06 Chorby! Where did she go!? Redacted ?! Collage Bonk2021-04-08 That Magic the Gathering card with the cool collage art had just dropped so I had collages on the mind. I also like the look of old school anatomical drawings, so I composed a Bonk Jokes at the X Games. (he hit the grind rail a lot that season) Season 18Math Bear2021-05-11 Without looking it up I'm choosing to believe this was in reaction to fractional runs from fractional suns. Season 24Propaganda for Magic to journey into the Horizon2021-07-28 Something we say in Magic is "vote with your heart" so I did. And dropped like 30k votes on Horizon in one action, meaning our path towards the desert was hindered for about an hour. Mini Blaseball BreakThis Website2022-03-16